InnoCaption allows you to block unwanted or spam calls from specific numbers by adding them to your Block List on the InnoCaption app.
Please note that if you are experiencing a large number of spam calls and have automatic call forwarding set up (calls to your cell phone number are routed to your InnoCaption number), you may want to disable the call forwarding feature temporarily to see which phone number the spam calls are calling to. If the calls are generally coming to your regular cell phone number, you can block them from your regular cell phone dialer. If the calls are coming to your InnoCaption number, add the callers to your Block List on the InnoCaption app by following the instructions below.
Below are instructions for blocking calls in your Recents, manually adding a number to your blocked list, and unblocking a number by removing them from your blocked list.
To block calls from a recent caller on an iPhone and Android Next Gen (New v4.0)
Open the InnoCaption app
Tap Recents
If the recent call has a transcript
Tap the Transcript icon
Tap the Block icon at the bottom of the page- the icon is a yellow circle with a line across
If the recent call does not have a transcript
Swipe left on the recent caller you would like to block
Tap the Block icon and the caller will be blocked
To confirm the number is blocked on an iPhone and Android Next Gen (New v4.0)
Open the InnoCaption app
Tap Settings
Tap Dialer
Tap Block List
Confirm that the number shows up on the list
To manually add a number to the Block List on an iPhone and Android Next Gen (New v4.0)
Open the InnoCaption app
Tap Settings
Tap Dialer
Tap Block List
Tap Edit
Tap the [+] icon in the upper right corner
Enter the 10-digit phone number you wish to block
Tap Add
The number will appear on the Block List
To Unblock calls or remove from the Block List on an iPhone and Android Next Gen (New v4.0)
Open the InnoCaption app
Tap Settings
Tap Dialer
Tap Block List
Tap Unblock next to the number you wish to unblock