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How to set up Outbound caller ID on InnoCaption Web
How to set up Outbound caller ID on InnoCaption Web
Updated over 10 months ago

With InnoCaption, you can choose from several options to set as your caller ID - your existing cell phone number, your InnoCaption number, or no number at all. Setting your caller ID to your existing cell phone number means that people who already have your contact information will know it is you calling. By combining this feature with automatic inbound call forwarding, you can continue to give out your regular cell phone number as your main contact and still receive captioning on all of your calls. Please follow the steps below to set up your caller ID.

To set up Outbound caller ID on InnoCaption Web

  1. Launch the InnoCaption Web portal from your computer by clicking the link here
    Note: Consider bookmarking this page on your internet browser for easy access later

  2. Enter your cell phone number and account password and click Log In

  3. Click the Settings icon on the top right toolbar

  4. Click Dialer

  5. Under Outbound caller ID, please read below to determine the caller ID option most suited for you

    1. If InnoCaption number is selected, call recipients will see your InnoCaption number when you call

    2. If Your cell number is selected, call recipients will see your existing cell phone number when you call

    3. If Blocked is selected, call recipients will not see a number when you call

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